Sunday, May 20, 2018

NYT "Tilt Election" Story Incomplete!!!

The story from the NYTimes is meant to deflect from the real story which I publish here.

Donald Trump Jr. met with an official from Saudi Arabia during the presidential election to discuss ways to help tilt the outcome in President Donald Trump’s favor, The New York Times reported Saturday....

What the NYTimes does NOT report is that Trump, Jr., met with people from Kyrgyzstan, Outer Mongolia, Namibia, Samoa, and a few cities in Patagonia.  Every one of those meetings--we are told by highly reliable sources working for a certain "Mr. Mueller"--was held with influential Social Media leaders for the purpose of talking up The Donald and/or disparaging The Crone.

(Ed. Note:  some or all of the above may be "fake news" and was provided to this blogger by Sources Too Prominent to Name Due to Physical Dangers and National Security and suchlike potential cataclysms.  But James Comey personally exonerated every one of them using his SuperPowers as FBI Exonerator-in-Chief.  Those were granted to him by President Obama, Loretta Lynch, and The Clapper in a secret memorandum also signed by Podesta and Mook.)

Congress doesn't know about this,  please don't tell them.

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